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Posted On Thu, 25/07/2024 - 08:44
 This month is referred to by Gujrati people as an empty month, whilst other people regard it as an unlucky month. This is done out of ignorance else this month is equal to any other month.  The older people discourage Nikaahs in this month due to it being an unlucky month. This is totally against the teachings of Islam. If a person gets married in this month, he will gain greater reward as he is breaking an incorrect tradition. Such a tradition that is totally against Imaan, Islam, and the teachings of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). 

Previously people regarded this month as an unlucky month. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) established the Deen of Islam and put an end to such incorrect beliefs. Unfortunately, this belief still lingers along with many people.  Undoubtedly, there are many days and months that are regarded as blessed in Islam, such as the month of Ramadan, the evening of Jumah etc. and various other occasions. However, we do not have an unlucky occasion in our Deen. It is against the grain of Imaan to believe in superstition which is tantamount to Shirk.  There are various forms of Shirk (associating partners with Allah Ta'ala. If a person...

Malfoozat Library

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