Spending in the correct avenue

ما انفق مؤمن من نفقة الاّ اجر فيها الا نفقته فى هذا التراب رواه الترمذى

ما انفق مؤمن من نفقة الاّ اجر فيها الا نفقته فى هذا التراب رواه الترمذى

Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Whatever a Mumin spends (upon himself), he will be rewarded for it except the money spent in sand (i.e. there is no reward for building a house when it is not required).

If a house is built in order to live in it, or to acquire an income then a person will be acquire Thawaab (reward)  for such an investment. However, it is not permissible to build a house merely to show one’s status and to boast. Constructing of a Madrasah, Masjid, is excellent and Mustahab.    


  • Dunya Ki Haqeeqat