Most enviable people

Hadrat Abu Umaamah h narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “My enviable friends are such Mu’mineen that hold no position as far wealth of the world is concerned and thoughts of the people are concerned (that is they are not held in high esteem by the people), whilst they are extremely fortunate as far as Salaah is concerned, meaning that they worship Allah Ta’ala in an excellent manner and remain occupied in the obedience of Allah Ta’ala secretly. Amongst the people they aren’t popular, nor are they indicated towards, and their sustenance is just sufficient for them. They are patient and content on what has been allotted to them. Saying this Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam snapped his fingers and said, “His death has been hastened, very few women will cry over his demise, and his estate is minimal.”

حدثنا محمد بن يحيى . حدثنا عمر بن أبي سلمة عن صدقة بن عبد الله عن إبراهيم بن مرة عن أيوب بن سليمان عن أبي أمامة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال ( إن أغبط الناس عندي مؤمن خفيف الحاذ . ذو حظ من صلاة . غامض في الناس . لايؤبه له . كان رزقه كفافا . وصبر عليه . عجلت منيته وقل تراثه وقلت بواكيه )

Hadrat Abu Umaamah h narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “My enviable friends are such Mu’mineen that hold no position as far wealth of the world is concerned and thoughts of the people are concerned (that is they are not held in high esteem by the people), whilst they are extremely fortunate as far as Salaah is concerned, meaning that they worship Allah Ta’ala in an excellent manner and remain occupied in the obedience of Allah Ta’ala secretly. Amongst the people they aren’t popular, nor are they indicated towards, and their sustenance is just sufficient for them. They are patient and content on what has been allotted to them. Saying this Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam snapped his fingers and said, “His death has been hastened, very few women will cry over his demise, and his estate is minimal.”

A Buzurg says that a person that travels lightly without much luggage travels very easily. The human being is a traveller in the world. The less worldly means and relationships that he adopts, the more free time he has for Aa’maal of the Aa’khirat and the soul will depart easily from the body (at the time of death).

Not indicating with the fingers mean that one should not be concerned of acquiring fame and popularity. Fame and popularity should not be the distinguishing feature of a person. However, if Allah Ta’ala blesses a person with fame and popularity then it is not harmful, in fact it is beneficial in propagating Deen.

It is mentioned in a narration of Muslim Sharif that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam was asked, “What is the condition of a person that carries out good deeds but is praised by the people on carrying out such good deeds?” In another narration it is mentioned that people even befriend such a person. Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “It is the advanced glad tidings that a Mumin receives.”           


  • Dunya Ki Haqeeqat