Freedom vs Imprisonment
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و عن ابي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم 《الدنيا سجن المؤمن و جنة الكافر》. رواه مسلم
It is narrated by Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu anhu that Rasulullâh sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, “This world is a prison for a true believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.” (Muslim)
‘Prison’ – This is not with regards to being disgraced. This world is a prison in this aspect that there are many restrictions. In a prison, a person cannot wear the type of clothing he likes, he cannot eat the type of food he desires, and he cannot eat whenever he feels like. He is bound to the restrictions placed by those in charge. So a Muslim in this world is bound to the rules laid down by Allâh Ta'ala. A Muslim cannot wear such clothing which he desires. He will have to wear such clothing which is according to the commands of Allâh Ta'ala, shown to us by Rasulullâh sallallahu alayhi wasallam. A Muslim cannot eat whatever he desires. He will have to seek such food which is not only halâl but tayyib (pure, healthy food in which there is no doubt) as well. A Muslim cannot eat whenever he feels. In the month of Ramadhân during the day, one cannot eat. Thus this world is a place of restrictions for a believer.
‘Paradise’ – This world is a paradise for a disbeliever. In Jannah, a person can fulfill his every desire. Allâh Ta'ala states, And for you is whatever your heart desires and for you is whatever you ask. (Fussilat verse 31) This is the life of the disbeliever. He runs behind fulfilling every desire of his. If he wants to fulfill his desires with a strange woman, he fulfills it. At times, some even fulfill their immoral lusts with their own sisters, daughters and mothers. They are worse than animals. This is what is meant by Paradise for them. In Jannah, a person lives with great honour and respect. This hadith does not refer to this aspect of Jannah. It only refers to freedom. A disbeliever is free to do as he pleases. He can go wherever he wants, and do whatever he wants. He is not restricted by salâh, zakâh, fasting or Hajj. He merely fulfills his desires.
An amazing point to note here is that if a person lives in restriction, he will attain freedom; and if a person lives in freedom, he will eventually live in restriction. For example, a student is in the fifth year. He lives a life of restriction by being punctual for his lessons, learning his work, and preparing for the examinations, then at the end of the year, he is granted freedom from the fifth year and proceeds to the next class. On the other hand, if a student lives a life of freedom, he does not attend class punctually, he does not learn his work and he does not prepare for the examinations, then at the end of the year, he will be restricted. He will fail and will not be promoted to the next grade. If a believer lived his life according to restriction, then there is only freedom for him.
A narration mentions that when a believer is placed in the grave, his grave will expand considerably. Since he had restricted his eyes from viewing harâm in this world, it will now be granted such freedom. and strength that it will be able to see its place in Jannah, even though Jannah is so far away. In Jannah, Allah Ta'ala will grant such strength to the eyes that no matter wherever he is sitting, he will be able to see his whole Jannah, even though the lowest Jannati will be granted a plot ten times the size of this world. He will be granted so much power that he will be able to see into the heart of his wife. He will be able to see the love she has for him and be convinced in this regard. In this world, a man asks his wife countless times if she loves him, and then too he is unsure. There, there will be no doubt as the person will himself see the amount of love she has solely for him. This is in itself an extremely great bounty. It grants a person the greatest satisfaction and peace of mind. On the other hand, a person who lived a life of freedom in this world and did not fulfill the commands of Allâh Ta'ala will be in great problems in the hereafter. First the grave will squeeze him to such an extent that the ribs of one side will penetrate the ribs of the other side. On the Day of Judgment he will arise blind. And We will resurrect him blind on the Day of Judgement. He will say, “O my Sustainer, why did You resurrect me blind, whereas I was able to see?” (Hajj verse 124/ 125) Since he had not restricted his eyes in this world, it will be restricted in the hereafter.
The crux is that whoever lives a life of restriction for a short period in this world will be granted freedom and comfort forever and forever in the Hereafter, whilst those who live a life of freedom for these few days will eventually be restricted forever in the hereafter. An example of this is a student who studies hard for a few years. His whole future is then guaranteed. On the other hand, if a student is lazy and does not appreciate his student days, then his whole future will be in shambles.