Hijab : How it Protects and Benefits Women & Society

This article is from the words of a sister.

How and why hijab protects a woman and what are its advantages?

This sister was a western woman born and raised in a western culture, she spent most of her life on the “wild side,” she found a deep vacuum in her life, discovered Islam, accepted it whole heartedly, and turned her life around completely. Alhumdulillah.

She is an Irish-American, she has a PhD, teaches in a prestigious university, wears hijab wherever she goes, while in the classroom teaching, during conferences and meetings which she has to attend. She is very proud of Islam and her hijab as she explains the advantages and wisdom of wearing the hijab. One should read this article with an open mind. Those who are open to reason will get guidance and better their lives and those who have “eyes but cannot see ears but cannot hear,” they will wonder in the wilderness of life forever. No amount of logical reasoning will help them. However our job as Muslims is to convey the message to the darkest corner of the world. Our job as Muslims is not to impose anything on disbelievers as Allah Jalla Jala Laho says in the Quraan Sharief, “For you is your religion, and for them is theirs.”

May Allah Jalla Jala Laho give guidance to all of us and enable us to follow Islam, which is the manual of human life. May Allah Jalla Jala Laho grant us wisdom and understanding of the teachings of Islam. May Allah Jalla Jala Laho make us realize that education is not about acquiring degrees but education is about understanding the etiquettes of living according to Islamic principles. May Allah Jalla Jala Laho enable us to find solutions to all problems in life in His Great Message- the Message of Islam. Ameen!


The Quraan Sharief clearly enjoins Muslim men and women to dress and behave modestly. Muslim women are specifically instructed to cover themselves when they are in the presence of non-mahram men (potentially marriageable men.)

SURAH AL- NUR (The Light) (24:31) in the Quraan states:

“They (the believing women) should draw their coverings over their bosoms…”

SURAH AL-AHZAB (33:59) in the Quraan states:

“O’ Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) tell thy wives and daughters and the believing women that they should put on their outer garments that is most convenient in order that they may be recognized (as Muslims) and not be molested.”

This is an effective answer to the argument some Muslim women have against wearing the hijab. By wearing the hijab they will be recognized as Muslim and they will not be attacked.  Allah Jalla Jala Laho wants Muslims to be recognized in all communities. If we live as Muslims, it will interest others to want to live as Muslims thus spreading the message of Islam. People will them approach them and ask, “Why are they dressed like that? Why are they different?” Their curiosity will automatically draw them towards Islam. Allah Jalla Jala Laho is the Most Supreme Strategist of the universe. He blessed us with the message of Islam (Islam means peace and security) He showed us how to spread His message in order that we may benefit. Allah Jalla Jala Laho does not need us as He is beyond all needs.

Allah says in the Quraan, “If the whole world unites against Muslims and want to harm them they will not except if Allah Jalla Jala Laho wills it. If the whole world unites to benefit Muslims, they will not benefit them unless Allah Jalla Jala Laho wills it.”

Therefore security comes only from Allah Jalla Jala Laho (Al-Muhaymin (The Giver of Protection)). Allah Jalla Jala Laho is Al-Hafeedh (The Protector) of believers. One should never fear anyone except Allah Jalla Jala Laho and then all ones fears will be erased from the heart. Those who prostrate to Allah Jalla Jala Laho, prostrate to no one else except Him. Dr Allama Iqbal a great Urdu poet says:

“Yeh aik sajda jesay tu garaan samajhta hai hazar sijdoon say daita hai aadmi ko nijat.”

Meaning: “This one bow (to Allah Jalla Jala Laho) which is so hard for you, is the bow that saves you from thousands of bows.”

Both Ayaat above instruct women to cover themselves with large loose clothing (jilbab) and full head covering (khimar) in order that no part of her body or shape can be visible. Her modest appearance will make it clear to everyone that she is a chaste, believing woman and she is not to be molested or sexually exploited. This is an effective remedy to deter all types of harassment of women.


When a Muslim woman covers herself, it is not a sign of degradation or oppression but it is that she is following the command of Allah Jalla Jala Laho. Allah Jalla Jala Laho is not discriminating against women but by commanding women to cover up Allah Jalla Jala Laho has given women a sign of their purity and dignity. It distinguishes a Muslim woman as a pure and chaste. It sets her apart from the immoral behaviour associated with women who dress immodestly. The hijab is a sort of a “screen” between the chaste Muslim woman and the evil that exists in the world. When a woman wears the hijab she is less likely to be harassed by men with lustful motives. She is also less likely to be exploited by men for her beauty and femininity.

The hijab allows a woman to leave the confines of her home to fulfil her necessary duties without trying to impress anyone while out of her home. She is not concerned whether men find her attractive or if she has the latest fashion or the newest hairstyle. When she has to leave her home she leaves with confidence and not as a fashionable model, seeking the stares and adoration of people in order to gain self-esteem.

The hijab also saves women from having competition with one another. Many westerners spend thousands on plastic surgery in a desperate attempt to meet an unrealistic standard of beauty thus sacrificing their health. A Muslim woman in Islam is appreciated for her knowledge, piety and contribution to society. When women wear the hijab she will come to know that the most beautiful woman is not necessarily the most popular, rather she is assessed for her mind and not her superficial physical traits.